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Directory FAQ

  • Getting Started & Gaining Access
    Register to create a Parent Account Add Student(s) Wait for Approval (you'll receive an email from Bedminster PTG Directory) Access Directory
  • Giving Other Parents Access
    When submitting your student's information, be sure to include the email addresses of all parents of the student. Each parent attached to a student may Register for their own account to edit the listing's information, and view the full student directory. Not seeing your student? Be sure that you register with the email listed that the primary parent included for you in the student's listing.
  • Filtering/Sorting/Searching
    Using the dropdown menus and search bar at the top of the directory table, you can filter out any information you don't want to see by grade and/or teacher. The search bar searches all listings for Student First Name, Last Name, Grade/Teacher, and Parent Emails.
  • Adding Student Information
    Click + Add Student to create a new listing. Each student must be submitted individually. Before you gain access and the student shows up in the directory, an admin will need to approve it. We are notified of new submissions and will reach it promptly. TIP: To keep you from having to type information twice, you can click the Copy Info From: NAME button. Address, Phone, and Parent Information will all be automatically copied over.
  • Editing Student Information
    Need to make a change to your email, phone, address, etc? It's super easy to keep your student's lisitng(s) updated. Login to the directory On the My Students page, click a listing you want to edit Edit the information Select Save
  • Printing the Directory
    Generate and print a report with Student Names, Grade/Teacher, and Primary Parent & Address information: Login to the directory Click View Directory on the My Students page Filter/sort the listings Click Print Report Follow the instructions in RED at the top of the screen Unfortunately, we no longer sell printed copies of the directory. NOTE: You cannot print this report from your phone. You must be on a desktop or laptop computer.
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